About the SAND Dataset
The Suicide Attack Network Database (SAND) is the most extensive database of its kind, documenting all known suicide attacks from October 1980 to January 2018 (6,822 in total). Like competing databases, SAND lists date of attack, sponsoring organization/s, location and target of attack, and number of innocents killed and wounded. In addition, the database categorizes suicide attacks by target type (combatant, political, and/or civilian), target location (foreign, domestic, or mixed), organization location (foreign, domestic, or mixed), specific conflict and conflict type. Further, unlike any other database of suicide attacks, SAND links with the Revolutionary and Militant Organizations Dataset (REVMOD), illustrating a network analysis perspective of the contemporary suicide-attack phenomenon.
Studies that Analyze the Dataset
Joan Barceló and Elena Labzina, (2020) "Do Islamic State’s Deadly Attacks Disengage, Deter, or Mobilize Supporters?" British Journal of Political Science 54 (2)
Seung-Whan Choi and Benjamin Acosta, (2020) "Sunni Suicide Attacks and Sectarian Violence," Terrorism and Political Violence 32 (7)
Seung-Whan Choi, (2019) "Economic Causes of Female Suicide Terrorism: Perceived Versus Actual," Journal of Global Security Studies 4 (4)
Michael J. Soules, (2019) "Martyr or Mystery? Female Suicide Bombers and Information Availability," Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
Benjamin Acosta, (2016) "Dying for Survival: Why Militant Organizations Continue to Conduct Suicide Attacks," Journal of Peace Research 53 (2)